Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I am blessed

During our seminar on relationships we were to share our pilgrimages. Having to write my life story and share it with our cadre was somewhat hard. My life like everyone elses has had some very hard times. We lost our farm when I was 14. I also lost a lot of my posessions when we had the auction at our farm. My parents had to take my savings to buy a new home. So I had to do college on my own. There were times in my life when I became very bitter about those losses.
As I have gotten older I have realized that God was involved in those hard times in my life. He may not have caused those hard times but He has turned them into blessings. I am so blessed today. I also have to say that I am blessed because of those losses earlier in my life. I have grown and have been put into places where God has taught me.
I am blessed, I am blessed!
Thanksgiving should be thanks living!


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