Monday, November 28, 2005

Random thoughts on the season

Well Thanksgiving is over - the kids went back to school and we are back in the regular swing. I have to admit that I am not ready for the regular again - at least not yet. We were able to spend 3 days at a cabin outside of Estes Park thanks to the generosity of a dear friend. It was a wonderful time and I didn't want to come home.
Have you ever had the I don't wanna's? I do this morning. I'm sitting here looking outside at the snow falling and the wind blowing about 50 miles per hour. Its a yucky day! Seems like a good day to curl up with a book in front of a fire. Ok can I go back to the cabin!
Unfortunately I have lots to do. I need to write and submit my final project proposal to my Doctoral committee and I need to be getting things together for Wednesday night Bible study and Sunday too.
I've really tried to focus on being thankful lately. I hope that you are like me and will be taking some time to be thankful for a warm place to watch the snow from. We can be thankful for meals, wheels as well as health and wealth. Maybe if we are thankful we'll not only get off our duff but maybe we'll also be a blessing to others. My question is "What are you giving for Christmas?"


At 2:04 PM, Blogger Steve said...

Hey Trent-

I found your blog link on the church website! Good stuff. I've been blogging for a while now and it is a weird experience to say the least! I look forward to keeping up with you through your blog.

Grace and peace,


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