Monday, December 18, 2006

Good Monday before Christmas

Several from our church went to see The Nativity Story last night after church. I have to say that it was wonderful. I think they did a great job of portraying this special event. They even placed the cross in the movie as a forshadow of what was to come for the Christ. I would suggest you go see this movie.

We don't often speak of the cross at Christmas time but if you think of the message of Christmas it isn't complete without the cross. Let me explain a bit more. The message was that He would be Immanuel - which means God with us. Yes Jesus took on flesh and dwelt among men. He was all God and totally human at the same time. Blows my mind. But the reality of God desiring to be with His creation is only partially fulfilled with the coming of the Christ. We were still shackled by sin even though Jesus was born. Our sin brings separation from the one who loves us. In order for that separation to be spanned, there would have to be a sacrifice. Prior to Christ dieing on the cross it was carried out to some extent by a person placing their hands on a symbolic animal which would be sacrificed. This was also shown in the movie.
As we were watching the movie, my wife Dana leaned over and said she was very glad we no longer did the animal sacrifices. I have to agree. But the reason we no longer do them is because of the Cross and Jesus paying the penalty to span the separation brought on by sin.
So as you see the nativity sets around town picture a cross behind it.

God bless you all and live out the message of the angels to the shepherds - Good news of GREAT JOY!



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