Monday, February 26, 2007

a bunch of bunk

This morning as I was getting ready to head to the church, I turned on one of the morning news programs as usual. But it quickly became unusual as I caught a story about a supposed new finding. The gist of which was that Jesus' tomb had been found and his bones recovered. Huh? yes you read right!

Well just in case you didn't know this new "finding" promoted by James Cameron among others is total bunk. I would encourage you to see what actual archeologist have to say. ....“The claim that the burial site has been found is not based on any proof, and is only an attempt to sell,” says Israeli archeologist Professor Amos Kloner

Please check out Joel C. Rosenberg's blog with much more info on this and other relevant topics. Be a reader! And don't fall for junk like James Cameron's.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Lessons from a dead cow hauler

You may already know this but its been cold here in Colorado this winter. I mean nasty, nose hair crunchy kinda cold! Plus we've had a lot of snow! This is bad enough if you get to go in and warm up but its way bad on our cattle. Many farmers and feedlot owners have lost lots of cattle this winter.

So needless to say I've followed a few dead cow haulers lately. For those who are not from farms that a truck that carries dead cows to the rendering plant. Nasty smelly thing believe me. Even as I type this I can still smell those memories from my childhood.

Anyway while thinking about those cows and what is going on, God showed me some lessons.

Like cows in the winter, we are impacted by our surroundings. We live in what is sometimes a very dark and cold world. It begins to affect us from time to time. In fact the more we stay in it the more it affects our insides. We can get a spiritual cold or even the flu. Sometimes folks get so sick that they are almost dead - no they haven't lost their salvation but they stink! Their spirit needs some serious mouth to mouth revival.

When we've not spent time with our Lord, or memorized His word, or shared with others, or served someone in need. We start to stink like them dead cows! Our attitude stinks to high heaven or hell? (I know that heaven can't smell like that!)

Thankfully we can be revived! We don't need hauled off yet. I do believe that sometimes God does haul off some of his own who stink so much that they drive off others.

Take a sniff of yourself. Do ya stink? Does your attitude bring a pleasant aroma to those around you? Does your love for all come across like great cologne? Or have you been hangin out with dead cows. You know the smell rubs off on you!

Love ya

Be praying for God to revive you and me!



Thursday, February 01, 2007

What do you mean its symbolic?

This week we will continue answering questions that folks have submitted about our church. Last week we looked at why we don't baptize infants. We also had a great time of communion in the evening service. We will follow that up this week by answering why we don't use wine in Communion and what it means for us. Both of these ordinances are symbolic. So does that mean they are not important? NO WAY! Symbols are reminders, signs to others, and rallying points! We will see the importance of all kinds of symbols this Sunday morning! I can't wait!

I'm also excited about a new tool to help couples. eharmony marriage is something that we have come across to help couples overcome lots of strife! There are lots or great resources at this sight! I will be including this as part of my training for Marriage mentors this summer! Interested?!

Right now you may be like me and just ready for summer. Even as I sit here typing my feet are freezing! Its a whole sun bathing 16 degrees outside and its close to that in my office! Tomorrow should be about 8 degrees! Havin a heat wave a tropical heat wave!

Well pray for me as I prepare for Sunday! I'll be praying for you!