Sorry - I'm not dead!
Some may think that my lack of blog updates would point to my death. Not So! As the old man being carried off in Monty Pythons Holy Grail would say - I'm not dead yet!
No I'm not dead - just lacking creativity. I've had lots of thoughts and read lots but had nothing I was dying to share.
This evening I'm preparing for a funeral. This gentleman was a true believer and follower of Jesus. I'm tempted to tell folks I don't believe in Christianity! Now pick up your teeth. What I mean is I don't believe in what many call Christianity. Many folks in American say they are Christians. When they say this - it sometimes shocks their co workers or even family members. They look at each other with unbelieving stares and mouth "really". The gentleman who passed would not have had that problem. No one would have been surprised by his proclamation of being a Christian.
You see his everyday committment and trust in God and His Son Jesus was evident all the time. His faith was apparant because of his actions and his words. He looked and sounded like a committed follower of Jesus. I have folks that live in the area that say they are Christians but their faith shows very little. Their committment and love for Christ shows rarely! Surprises are fun sometimes, but honestly I hope I don't surprise anyone when I say I'm a Christian.. No I take that back - I'm not a Christian. I am a follower of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I'm working on the Lord part. You could pray for me on that.
thank you for getting in touch. Please email me by going to our church site. I'd love to hear where you are and what you're doing!
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