Thursday, February 01, 2007

What do you mean its symbolic?

This week we will continue answering questions that folks have submitted about our church. Last week we looked at why we don't baptize infants. We also had a great time of communion in the evening service. We will follow that up this week by answering why we don't use wine in Communion and what it means for us. Both of these ordinances are symbolic. So does that mean they are not important? NO WAY! Symbols are reminders, signs to others, and rallying points! We will see the importance of all kinds of symbols this Sunday morning! I can't wait!

I'm also excited about a new tool to help couples. eharmony marriage is something that we have come across to help couples overcome lots of strife! There are lots or great resources at this sight! I will be including this as part of my training for Marriage mentors this summer! Interested?!

Right now you may be like me and just ready for summer. Even as I sit here typing my feet are freezing! Its a whole sun bathing 16 degrees outside and its close to that in my office! Tomorrow should be about 8 degrees! Havin a heat wave a tropical heat wave!

Well pray for me as I prepare for Sunday! I'll be praying for you!


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