Monday, January 15, 2007

Are you Hiding?

Are you hiding God's Word in your heart or are you just hiding? My family (encouraged by Trint and Tammy Ladd) have been making sure that we are all working on a memory verse together each week. Last week was I John 3:16. I also memorized Romans 14:8 and now our family is memorizing John 15:5. "I am the vine, you are the branches. If any man abides in me, he will bear much fruit. Apart from me he can nothing."

If that verse is true (which we know that it it) what does that mean for me? Well I know that life and all the things that make me feel alive are to be flowing from the vine which is Christ. Unfortunately I tend to try to let other things make me feel alive at times. But what they are really doing is cutting me away from the vine and the real life I can have in Christ.

Beyond feeling alive there is the issue of fruit. What fruit? I don't want to be fruity do I? Well what fruit does God say He will give us? Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control - these are the fruit of life that are promised through the Holy Spirit. So this week lets think about how these affect us and how they affect others. Can I really have these fruit outside of being connected and possessed by the vine of Christ?
Tune in next time!

God bless you


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