Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Am I a supporter?

Yesterday I attended our State Executive Board meeting for Colorado Baptist General Convention. It was very encouraging. We have a vision for sharing Christ and aren't afraid to put our money, time, talents etc where our mouth is. Way cool.

We also talked about the need to support the cooperative program of the southern baptist convention. The state average for percentage giving to CP is 5.3%. Praise God we as a church give a tithe! We give 10% of all undesignated giving to CP through our state and association. We also designate at least another 10% to missions to be used by our church and supporting projects and trips. Missions are key to church survival and growth. I pray that our church will continue to focus on missions and will continue to increase the amount we give and the amount we serve. Right now we are having to see if we really believe God because we fell short of our budget but some $30,000 this past year. It would be easy to say we will cut back on what we give to CP but I pray that we don't. I need to be stretched in my faith.

My prayer requests are these(beyond the 7 on the website)
1. That God would call out missionaries from our body - especially Mission Service Corps volunteers from our retired folks. They are so talented and have time to serve.

2. That our church would be an encouragement to our sister churches in our association. Pray for creativity!

I memorized Romans 14:8 yesterday in the hotel room in Denver.
"If we live, we live to the Lord. If we die, we die to the Lord. Whether we live or die we belong to the Lord."

May we act like we are His and so be passionate about what He is passionate about.



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