Monday, September 17, 2007

Peace? Are you kidding?

I've been thinking about Peace alot. You may have read my previous posting where I talked about rest. Related item here! Let me share my thoughts in a few points.

1. Peace is the thing that is supposed to be one of our best tools to attract non-believers to Jesus. Peace, along with love, is something that everyone seems to crave. In fact the thing that many will point to in someone's life that really caught their attention is peace in tough times. You'll hear something like "they just seemed to have such a peace about ____" or "I don't understand how they handled that with so much peace."

2. Christians in the US don't usually exhibit peace. We must think its ungodly to relax and have a semi sane schedule! I am proposing that we learn to have margin in our lives. Time and money that are uncommitted so that we can be at peace and then ready to give our time or money when God directs.

3. We do this to ourselves. Let's give credit where credit is due! When it comes to a crazy schedule or screwed up finances we need to look in the mirror to find the culprit! We do this to our selves, but we place the blame on everything else around us.

So here's the plan

1. Begin to think about those things you do that make the time fly. Those are the areas that you are gifted in - so focus on those!

2. Weed out your calendar - its hard to begin with but you have to say no to some things.

3. Begin to obey God with your finances by tithing! He gives you everything - and only asks for 10% back.

4. Put margin in your finances by getting out of debt. I can show you how or you can go to

If we did just these 4 things, it would amaze us all how peaceful our lives would be! Give it a try and let me know the results!


At 12:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crown Financial Ministries is a great tool for churches too. It's a 10 week study of how God teaches his children to live by biblical standards concerning finances.


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