Monday, February 26, 2007

a bunch of bunk

This morning as I was getting ready to head to the church, I turned on one of the morning news programs as usual. But it quickly became unusual as I caught a story about a supposed new finding. The gist of which was that Jesus' tomb had been found and his bones recovered. Huh? yes you read right!

Well just in case you didn't know this new "finding" promoted by James Cameron among others is total bunk. I would encourage you to see what actual archeologist have to say. ....“The claim that the burial site has been found is not based on any proof, and is only an attempt to sell,” says Israeli archeologist Professor Amos Kloner

Please check out Joel C. Rosenberg's blog with much more info on this and other relevant topics. Be a reader! And don't fall for junk like James Cameron's.



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