Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Do you need a vacation?

I'm sitting here asking myself that same question. We leave for our mission trip to Kentucky in a couple of days and I'm ready to go! I am so very thankful for the awesome folks of our church who are involved in ministry. Fred G. will be preaching Sunday evening the 11th and Christopher M. will be taking the next Sunday night. Bill J. will do an awesome job on the Sunday mornings. It helps me relax to know that God has it all covered.

Over the past 3 weeks we've been talking about the importance of keeping God's commands. We've been making sure we have the 10 commands memorized and Jesus Great Commands memorized. Command #4 is one that gets abused and taken out of context so much. It says remember the sabbath day and keep it holy. Holy means set apart, special. God made the sabbath day as a gift for us. We weren't made for the sabbath. The idea is to rest! Worship is to take place every day and so the sabbath is not about worship. As a pastor I have a hard time remembering the sabbath and keeping it set apart. I rarely take an actual whole day off. That is wrong. I am breaking God's command. My attitude and body and family and church family suffer because of my disobedience.

This morning as I write this I have to say I feel drained - pooped out! I am reminding me to take some time off. I want to remind you to do the same. We should work very hard as for the Lord but we should also take time off every week to rest and be still with God. I also want to encourage you to take a vacation. It will help your attitude! Get away and even visit another church where ever you go. We will be visiting a church outside of Frankfort Kentucky on Sunday morning. I'm looking forward to being refreshed by the words of another pastor!

Remember the sabbath and keep it holy. Remember the day of rest and protect it with all you have!


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