Thursday, November 02, 2006

OK ok ok yes I know that it has been at least forever since I did this blogging thing. Sorry. Pray for me to get on the ball with my D.Min. project. Like you, I have about 4000 irons in the fire. That may be a slight exageration - slight being the operative word!

I have been learning a lot about worship these past few weeks. Ed and I have been preparing and praying for our Sunday School class on worship and for worship services after that. One thing that really bothers me is that we sing many songs about kneeling or getting on our knees before God. Yet I rarely see anyone actually do that. Some would say that this is talking about a metaphor or an attitude of the heart. BET ME! I know for a fact that if you aren't willing to get down on your knees before the Lord your heart won't be real low - your heart can't get there by itself!

I think that being authentic is important in our worship. Can we truly be authentic if our words don't match our actions? That is what most folks outside of churches or those who visit on Christmas and Easter call being a hypocrit. OOOHH am I bleeeeeedin?

Think about this along with what I talked about last Sunday in crawling up on the alter in Romans 12. God wants us to be all on the alter. He required that of Abraham - what makes us think He won't require it of us.



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