Tuesday, June 27, 2006

One weird Sunday!

Sunday's lesson I learned. We had a great Sunday - weird and funny but great. Read this devotional then after that I'll share what happened. You'll see they go together.

Wow once again today's devotional was just perfect for what I was thinking about - so I had to share it.
Our Counselor, by Os Hillman
But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. - John 14:26I was driving down the interstate feeling discouraged from an appointment I had just had. A former employee's company was seeking to displace me, and my company, as their source for our services. It had been one of many difficult events during those months. As I was driving, some words popped into my mind, No weapon formed against you shall prosper. I could not tell you where those words came from other than I knew the Holy Spirit was speaking them to me; I knew they were in the Bible. I knew they were in the Old Testament.When I returned to my office that day, I searched for the key words in my concordance and found the verse. "No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you" (Is. 54:17a).Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would remind us of the things He desires us to know. There are times in our lives when the Holy Spirit speaks into our spirit words designed to encourage us or give us what we need at the moment. That is just one of the roles of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. The more you know God's Word, the more often you'll recall verses the Holy Spirit will bring to mind for a given situation. Study God's Word and allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of the things He desires you to know.

This is so true! I have to tell you about Sunday now. You see I had felt during the week that the invitation needed to come before the sermon for some reason. God had showed me the song by Matthew West entitled Only Grace. It was perfect, so I played it and showed the words then we had the invitation. All this was before the sermon. God touched hearts - It was way cool. But the great thing was that God already knew what was going to happen. You see the youth were preparing for a spaghetti lunch that was to happen right after the service. Some were cooking during the service. Well some bread was cooking a bit much and the stove billowed smoke. This was all going on while I was preaching what I thought to be a great sermon. We are going through the Roman Road in order to prepare the saints for works of service. Anyway I was close to the end and said that folks understand that we are sinners! Thats when the fire alarm and lights went off. Everyone thought I had set it off for dramatic affect. I didn't! We just ended and I told everyone that meant lunch was ready.

Now you see God was preparing me for the alarm all week. He knew it would happen and so had me do the invitation before the sermon. So if we listen to our counselor - He makes weird things turn out great! Cool huh?


At 2:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought it was fantastic! It definitely demonstrated that God is in control! Thank you, Trent, for following the Holy Spirit's leading. Our services are fun because you let God be in charge.


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