Friday, December 22, 2006

Digging out after being snowed under

Today was spent digging out after a massive snowstorm here in Northern Colorado. We had at least 16 inches here in Yuma. I am so sore. I think I may be out of shape - just a little. I am so thankful for those who helped get all the snow away from the church today and allowing us to get ready for Sunday Christmas eve.

I know that many folks are feeling snowed under as we approach Christmas. I'm not talking about snow but stress and all the things like bills, parties, gifts, family etc that bring stress. We've been talking about not letting the Grinch steal your christmas joy. Make sure and take the advice of some of the songs we sing at Christmas. Silent night should remind you to take some quiet time alone to regroup. Spend time alone being thankful and worshipful. Remember you are so blessed. Many songs talk of rejoicing. Well make sure you do that - rejoice - joice again. Ha Have Joy. The angels came with good news of GREAT JOY.
Lastly laugh at stuff.
Yesterday when I was trying to go out in the storm I got all dressed in layers and spent the day trying to help folks dig out. Later that day while taking a bathroom break I realized that I had my long johns on backwards. Needless to say It was difficult to take a bathroom break. I just stood there and laughed.
You can laugh at me or laugh at your own family. Whatever just laugh - find those little things to bring you joy. Also I pray that your joy will encourage others and even cause some to have curiosity and want that joy too.
God bless you and Merry Jesus Birthday!
Christmas = Christ the messiah who is Jesus, and mas or worship
so worship Jesus and celebrate Christmas.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Does Persecution = Christmas Joy?

I have been asking myself that this morning. I just read a news article about a young Pakistani girl who was beaten and placed in forced labor just because she claimed that she was a Christian and lived in a Muslim community. (makes me laugh at those who say that the Muslim religion is a peaceful religion - yeah right) This young girl named Azra and her mother were both placed in forced labor at a brick kiln. Azra's mother was eventially beaten and murdered because of her faith. Thankfully a very brave local Christian pastor intervened with the help of believers in the US. Azra has been purchased out of slavery and is being provided for and encouraged in her faith.

As we approach Christmas day, I can't help but think that Azra may look a lot like Mary. Both endured terrible hardship because of their belief and obedience to God. I would imagine that Azra could teach me a thing or two about having a strong faith. I would also imagine that she will rejoice more in remembering Christmas than I or anyone in my church.

Why is it that those who have received much - rejoice little?
Father forgive me, I am spoiled rotten and take it all for granted so many times.
Please bless Azra and so many others like her who are living out their faith in Jesus in a very dangerous place.

Christmas means more

Monday, December 18, 2006

Good Monday before Christmas

Several from our church went to see The Nativity Story last night after church. I have to say that it was wonderful. I think they did a great job of portraying this special event. They even placed the cross in the movie as a forshadow of what was to come for the Christ. I would suggest you go see this movie.

We don't often speak of the cross at Christmas time but if you think of the message of Christmas it isn't complete without the cross. Let me explain a bit more. The message was that He would be Immanuel - which means God with us. Yes Jesus took on flesh and dwelt among men. He was all God and totally human at the same time. Blows my mind. But the reality of God desiring to be with His creation is only partially fulfilled with the coming of the Christ. We were still shackled by sin even though Jesus was born. Our sin brings separation from the one who loves us. In order for that separation to be spanned, there would have to be a sacrifice. Prior to Christ dieing on the cross it was carried out to some extent by a person placing their hands on a symbolic animal which would be sacrificed. This was also shown in the movie.
As we were watching the movie, my wife Dana leaned over and said she was very glad we no longer did the animal sacrifices. I have to agree. But the reason we no longer do them is because of the Cross and Jesus paying the penalty to span the separation brought on by sin.
So as you see the nativity sets around town picture a cross behind it.

God bless you all and live out the message of the angels to the shepherds - Good news of GREAT JOY!


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Get Out!

Thats what I did the last couple of days. Lee Roubideaux and I were able to take a quick trip to Mission South Dakota. We delivered a trailer load of winter clothes and coats to the folks at Rosebud Reservation. It was great to get out of town and to serve others. Way fun. I also got to know Lee better. What a great guy! We were also able to visit with folks at the Elementary school there and to give out gloves and mittens.

I enjoyed meeting some of Lee's family that live there. They are very nice folks. We were able to take a mission group from FSBC to Rosebud about 3 years ago. So it was great to go back and see what was going on. Pray for Jack Moore and the folks doing ministry there.

Also be praying for our brother Doug Schiel and his family. They are part of our church family that moved to North Platte, Nebraska. God is really using them now at their church in North Platte. We were able to stop and visit with Doug on the way back. What a blessing!
God is good and working all over! I was encouraged by our trip.

This holiday season shift the focus. Get it off of yourself and your kids toys. Serve someone in need and experience the joy of Christmas. It comes from Jesus - the first Gift.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Ok now I really am amazed!

Just a quick note to add to my previous post.
It has been about an hour since I was writing that last post and telling God that the money didn't matter and being reminded how blessed I was.
I just received a very unexpected gift that was way more than what I put in God's hands.
I am amazed at how God takes care of things and blesses when we rely on Him.
It may not happen like this every time but I just want to Praise God who is way more faithful than I am or that I give Him credit for being.

Thanks to my Lord

Smack my other cheek why don't ya

Ya know its only been about 24 hours since I was preaching about keeping joy in Christmas ( I also plan to preach on this topic for the next 3 Sundays) and here I am letting a gentleman in Texas steal my joy. I ordered something on ebay. I paid for it and everything. It has now been a month and no stuff has come. I have tried to contact the person in a nice way. But now I'm starting to get really miffed. I found myself saying "Don't even try to mess with me bud" this morning.
The Joy sucking has begun!!!!

Practicing what you preach is really hard sometimes.

I read a devotional on the web this morning reminding me that Jesus told us to "turn the other cheek" Matthew 5:39. That's a nice thought but really! Yes really! Sometimes we feel like someone else has kicked all four of our cheeks and so turning another just doesn't seem possible. We'll lets think about what Jesus is trying to get across to us. In this chapter of Matthew (please go read it today) Jesus has given what we call the be-attitudes. Or the attitudes we need to be havin. The cool thing is that Jesus lived them out. But Jesus was a person who stood for character and principles too. He was a man's man. Remember the time He cleared out the temple! Not a whipping boy kind of activity!

So how do I put this altogether? Well let me tell you what I think I need to do. I need to spend as much time praying for this guy in Texas as I do emailing him. I need to pray that God would bless him and that He would have an opportunity to hear about Jesus (not for God to kill him off) I know that having a life changing experience with Jesus is the only thing that can really change folks hearts. I will file the appropriate claims on ebay and paypal but I won't let it eat me up. God says that vengence is His. He'll take care of it. I'll do my best to leave it in His hands. But I'm going to be actively looking around me at all that God has blessed me with. I have so much - a wonderful family, incredible job, terrific friends, two cars, a warm home! WoW! Can my life and Joy be sucked away by $40? Gosh I hope not!
So pray for me. I am learning this lesson. Pray that I'm not real dense!

Be blessed - find Joy!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Welcome to Sunday Laughing Worship!

Welcome To Sunday Morning!
Hope you're bright eyed and bushy tailed - yeah right! Some of you look like the Grinch in the morning! Now I'm laughing!

Today in worship we will start our series on Keeping the Grinch from stealing your Christmas. Remember that the news that was being shared with all of humanity was "good news of great joy" (Luke 2:8-11) So if we are believers we have received that Good news that is to be giving us great Joy! That great joy is what will be attracting others who don't have any joy because they have no hope. We have hope in Jesus! YEAH. Also remember that the Joy that the Lord has and that He gives is our strength. So when you are about to get down and the grinch is about to come out - just start laughing! For fun look up Bing Crosby's song Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep.
How long has it been since you just laughed at church? I mean really giggled and belly laughed! Don't hang out with those who say they are Christians but have no joy. You know those folks who have a frown permantly molded into their face! Look like they been sucking on your toe jam! UGH!
My Lord coming is great news of Great Joy! Laughing - full of mirth. You know one of the greek words for rejoice and is used for laugh is gelao -pronounced jellaho! Watch it wiggle see it jiggle! Now you're smiling aren't you! Praise God!

The Hebrew for Joy is Sason which can also mean to "make bright" You know what will make this season bright for those around you? Joy and laughing and smiling and loving!

Go and giggle for Jesus - He has made me glad!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Friday is here

Dealing with change has been the theme of the day. As we prepare for 2 families to move to other places, we also prepare for new families to come and join us in the ministry that God has for us.

Let me share my philosophy on this whole deal.
1. Send them with your blessings and as a missionary of your church. Scripture says in Matthew 28:18-20 that we are to be discipling everyone. Well what does that mean? Discipling someone means to help them move one step closer to Jesus. Sometimes you have the opportunity to help folks move several steps closer, sometimes you only have a chance through brief encounter to move someone one step closer.
If a person is part of your church, help them to move at least one step closer to Jesus then if God moves them on, cheer them on as they continue in that journey. Also pray for two things. 1. pray for God to bring them a person who will help them move another step. 2. Also pray that the one leaving you is able to help some other person move one step closer to Jesus.

2. Obedience starts with a step of faith. This applies to the person leaving and to the church who is staying. We as the church body need to encourage faith and obedience in those who are being led to somewhere else but we also need to live obediently by letting them go. We have had several families leave to go serve other places, I hate to see them go but I know that God has much in store for us here, I also know that God will supply the resources that are needed to fulfill the mission. So with those two bits of knowledge I look forward to who God will bring to help with the mission. It never fails! God brings new folks who have new gifts and a chapter of excitement begins.

It would be a horrible things to teach on obedience and faith and then get upset at folks for following God in faith and obedience.

I already see it happening. I just got off the phone with a family that is moving to our area soon and is looking forward to being a part of the ministry here! Whew God you already have the pieces lined up! Way Cool!

This is what the prayer of Jabez is all about! We have the boundaries of our influence and our hearts expanded. We have relationships with dear friends literally around the world!
The funny thing is I'm writing this while listening to the Parachute Band song God You're Amazing. No coincidence!