Thursday, November 09, 2006

Preparing for worship

Father help me! Simple and to the point. That is my hope and my only thought right now as I stare blankly at the screen. UGH!

Honestly I need God to speak to me so I am just going to share some random thoughts today. Maybe God will use them and make some sense out of them.

Psalm 40:17b
You are my help and my deliverer;
O my God, do not delay.

God, I recognize that you are the one who protects and helps me. For me that's a big recognition. Sometimes I'm like a spoiled 2 year old who pouts and says "I do it myself."
But there has to come a point where I realize I can't do it myself. Worship can start at that point.

The psalmist could say "you are my help and my deliverer", he had been to that point. That realization allowed him to write what comes before this in Psalm 40

16 But may all who seek you
rejoice and be glad in you;
may those who love your salvation always say,
"The LORD be exalted!"

That is worship! Rejoicing in God. Extolling His virtue and giving testimony to what He has done for me. But I won't get there till I recognize I need help. As they say "Admitting your problem is half the battle." Actually its the whole battle.

I am praying for Pastor Ted Haggard. I've never met the man but I have been to his church for a worship service. Many folks were there and were worshipping the only God. My fear is that many of those worshippers will question everything about the church, their pastor and even their own faith because of Ted's fall. So pray with me for their protection and for Ted's healing.

Ok so what does that have to do with anything. Well it's all about worship. Hebrews 10:22-25 that I wrote about last time says there is encouragement in worshipping together. There can be discouragement when we don't. You know there are folks at every service that aren't worshipping. Sometimes even me. My worry and my prayer is that I would never do anything to hurt my church or my family. That I would never do anything to cause anyone to quit worshipping God.

We all need to remember that we are all capable of anything. Accept for the grace of God, I could be in Pastor Haggard's shoes. Worship is what keeps us at God's feet because we have to remember that it starts by realizing "I need help."

Trying not to wiggle in His grip


At 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am also in prayer for New Life church and Pastor Ted. I'm not sure if you remember but that is where Trint and I went to church before my accident in 1999. Anyway..prayer is what is needed for the body of Christ in general!



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