Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Almost alive!

Hey I can sort of talk today - I'm starting to feel like Lazarus! Either that or Frankenstein! It is Alive?!
Any way I'm on the road to recovery. So here are some thoughts that I am working through as I prepare for the various events of this week. I don't think they are cold drug enduced. HaH!

If you read this and can respond, let me know some things that tend to steal your Christmas peace and joy. I am compiling a list for my sermon. So let me know your thoughts.

Luke 2:13 and 14 says

13Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, 14 "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests."

So do you get the peace of Christmas? God's favor brings peace. Its one of the fruit of the Spirit that we receive. Supposedly!? Well my thought is that the Grinch within us flares up about this time of year because of different things around us. That grinch steals the peace and joy. So what can we do? Good question.
I like Monday Night Football (especially on ESPN now). I really like the part during half time when the commentators show the great hits from the games the day before. They get "Jacked Up". Ok so what does that have to do with the grinch and peace and stuff?
Glad you asked. Stuff is going to hit us this time of year. Colds, stress, strained relationships. They blind side us sometimes and we allow ourselves to get "Jacked Up"

But remember its a choice. James 1:2-4 says
2Consider it(Choose to look at it as) pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

I love it when a wide receiver makes a great catch and gets smacked hard but gets up and laughs at his tackler! Yeah is that all ya got? Good job but I can take it!
So enlarge your heart through thanksgiving and even when you get jacked up - get up and laugh in the face of that tackler!

Monday, November 27, 2006

One sick puppy!

Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood - NOT! I can't talk so I'm typing. I've been sick for about 5 days now. Absolutely no fun and it seems to be getting worse rather than better. So pray for me.
I was amazed at how God took care of things yesterday(Sunday) for our church services. It was great in spite of me - some might say that was usually the case! Hah!
I am very rarily sick but even when I am I usually don't miss church. Folks have asked why I don't take the day off. I guess its because Sunday is not a work day - its a worship day. I always feel better being with my friends worshipping my Lord. Its a blessing to be in church on Sundays!
I can't write much now cause I'm on cold drugs. Pray for this next week as I have a funeral, a memorial service and a worship service to prepare for.

This next week we begin a series on "Enlarging your Heart - Don't let the Grinch steal your Christmas."

God bless you all, especially those who are sick.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Man stuff!

Hey its fall and so we have to talk about man stuff! You know hunting, football, eating so much thanksgiving that you have to unbutton your pants in order to comfortably snooze on the couch while watching football. AAAHHH thats the life!

I've recently been reading a book called Why Men Hate Church. It is really making me think. Some of it has confirmed what I had thought for a while. Other parts really catch me off guard. Men are absolutely important to a healthy church. They are also absolutely essential to a healthy family. I know there are some ladies that would dissagree with me on that, but I have seen enough children and adults who are struggling to know that both a mom and a dad are needed for healthy kids.

So anyway back to Man Church. I heard of one church that redecorated their foyer like a mountain cabin and parked a harley inside. I'm not sure I could get away with that. Cool thought though! I wonder if my Honda Sabre 1100 would work? Guys need guy stuff and guy time. We are not women - and women you had better be praising God for that. We are different and enjoy different things. We want to be challenged and be outdoors. Women want to be comforted and heard mostly indoors. I know that is an oversimplification - but hopefully you get the idea.

So Lee Roubideaux and I are planning a Man trip - We are going to take a bunch of clothing to needy folks in Mission SouthDakota. We are going to invite 2 or 3 other guys to go who can take off for a couple of days. We will eat unhealthy food, make noises, laugh, serve and spur one another on to good deeds. Cool huh?

Hey another thing that used to be a man thing but now has gotten Men and Women into bad spots is the craving for a new car. So many will shackle themselves with payments of several hundred dollars this holiday season. But hey make up your own mind. Watch this video. http://www.daveramsey.com/etc/lms/drive_free/player.cfm

Just spurrin you on to good deeds

Friday, November 17, 2006

Its no turkey of a deal!

As we approach Thanksgiving, this Sunday we will be taking time to share testimonies of thankfulness in our service. Corporate worship is about praising God and encouraging one another through testimonies filled with thanks. You know, if you have read any of my other postings the last week or so that Thankfulness is such a huge part of worship. We realize that our gifts came at Christ's expense. We are blessed indeed!

So what would happen if you were on the lookout for things to be thankful for throughout the week. Wouldn't it be easier to come to church Sunday and have something to share in thanks as a testimony that would help you worship and help others as well. We are all lead worshippers! We are helping to lead those around us in worship.
When we share Jesus with someone - it is an act of worship. Because we are thankful for what God has done for us through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we want to share that with someone else and have them experience the gift as well.

Have you ever thought that this is why we sing songs in worship. Someone wrote a song out of thanksgiving and worship as their testimony. It is shared with us and we are led in worship by their testimony song. A visitor is there in the service and is drawn by the song and our singing to asking more about God.

Wow its all worship!
Think about it as you prepare for Sunday!

God bless your lips - may they worship Him

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I lost it somewhere along the way!

Have you ever had the experience of starting the day off great. Praying, worshipping and reading God's word. Things go great for a while - THEN BAM - someone does something or something happens and your whole day seems shot in the foot and you're the kicker.

That has been sort of my day. I started off so well but then had to deal with a disreputable business man and a misbehaving child. All of the sudden it was like I dropped my Christian somewhere along the way. I was driving home for lunch and my attitude stunk. Just a couple of hours before it was so great.

God reminded me on the way home and I think I was able (or more accurately He was able) to salvage the day.
He led me to
I Thessalonians 5:16-18

16Be joyful always; 17pray continually; 18give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Be joyful always - yeah right!? No I really think He means it. Tell God you're mad and then look for things to be thankful for. We are all the time praying for God to show us His will. Tada! Here it is - no looking required.

It's amazing how such little things can totally derail my day sometimes. My Joy and my Peace get burned up in a momentary blowup! I think that is why we are to pray continually. I need outside perspective all the time because my blinders start closing in and I begin to think its all about me and everyone is attacking me and woe is poor little me - WAAAAAAAAAAA
Oh for cryin out loud - suck it up! No not everyone is out to get me or ruin my day. Its just that I have let myself lose perspective.

When someone cuts a whole in your pocket and your joy drops on the ground - pick it up blow it off and smile again.

dealin with life

Monday, November 13, 2006

Monday morning blahs or aaaahhhs

Ok its Monday morning here at FSBC. I have to confess that many pastors really hate Monday mornings. I'm not sure why exactly but Monday jokes go around almost as much as deacon jokes in Pastor circles.

Maybe you too hate Mondays. Do you have the blahs or the aaaahhs? Again its a decision.

We've been talking a lot about worship and the whole Monday thing goes back to worship. Yesterday I told our folks to do what scripture says to enter His gates with thanksgiving in your heart. (That is not talking about a high cholesterol condition either). Last night in our study I asked everyone what they would be thankful for at 9am on Monday morning. So you have to answer that question. What are you thankful for on Monday morning?

I am very thankful for a warm home to wake up in. I am thankful for food for breakfast. I am thankful for my loving family that gives me hugs in the mornings. I am thankful for a car to get me to work (actually a really big 4x4 pickup -man grunt). I am also very thankful for my church and the fact that they allow me to serve the Lord here in their midst.

I am blessed! There's more I could add to my list but don't have time or space here.

So in the morning when you wake up - take a few moments even before you get up to think of what you are thankful for. Then do the Daily Review! The What? Every morning when Dana and I are getting ready - we talk about what is going on that day. Its our way of making sure the bases are covered. God taught me a lesson that He wanted to have that same kind of time too. So after you have been thankful, talk to God about you upcoming day. What is coming up. What are you worried about? What are you excited about? What are you needing guidance in?
Then get up and read from your bible - you'll be amazed at what He shows you!

Then take a moment throughout the day to be thankful.

God help me make this day sacred - devoted to you in everything.

Choose the AAAAHHHSS !

Help me do the same God

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Well its Sunday - said like Eeyor

Ok I'm sitting here - Sunday morning - way before anyone comes to church. Sometimes we can say in the voice and attitude of Eeyor "Lets go to church so we can worship." But how many times lately have you said "YESSS, we get to go to church to worship." I know there are folks in places that don't enjoy the freedoms we have - that might say that in their hearts!
YEsSSSSS we get to go worship!

Its my choice today Eeyor or cheeleader/pumped up athlete!

I know that if I don't spend time with my Lord outside of corporate worship, when it comes around to Sunday I'll sound a whole lot like Eeyor.

May your day be filled with excitement and anticipation! YESSSSSS, I get to go and worship!


Thursday, November 09, 2006

Preparing for worship

Father help me! Simple and to the point. That is my hope and my only thought right now as I stare blankly at the screen. UGH!

Honestly I need God to speak to me so I am just going to share some random thoughts today. Maybe God will use them and make some sense out of them.

Psalm 40:17b
You are my help and my deliverer;
O my God, do not delay.

God, I recognize that you are the one who protects and helps me. For me that's a big recognition. Sometimes I'm like a spoiled 2 year old who pouts and says "I do it myself."
But there has to come a point where I realize I can't do it myself. Worship can start at that point.

The psalmist could say "you are my help and my deliverer", he had been to that point. That realization allowed him to write what comes before this in Psalm 40

16 But may all who seek you
rejoice and be glad in you;
may those who love your salvation always say,
"The LORD be exalted!"

That is worship! Rejoicing in God. Extolling His virtue and giving testimony to what He has done for me. But I won't get there till I recognize I need help. As they say "Admitting your problem is half the battle." Actually its the whole battle.

I am praying for Pastor Ted Haggard. I've never met the man but I have been to his church for a worship service. Many folks were there and were worshipping the only God. My fear is that many of those worshippers will question everything about the church, their pastor and even their own faith because of Ted's fall. So pray with me for their protection and for Ted's healing.

Ok so what does that have to do with anything. Well it's all about worship. Hebrews 10:22-25 that I wrote about last time says there is encouragement in worshipping together. There can be discouragement when we don't. You know there are folks at every service that aren't worshipping. Sometimes even me. My worry and my prayer is that I would never do anything to hurt my church or my family. That I would never do anything to cause anyone to quit worshipping God.

We all need to remember that we are all capable of anything. Accept for the grace of God, I could be in Pastor Haggard's shoes. Worship is what keeps us at God's feet because we have to remember that it starts by realizing "I need help."

Trying not to wiggle in His grip

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

comfortable in a big group?

One of my best friends in high school had a dad who never would go to church with his family. I could tell that it affected my friend. His dad would say that he was a believer but didn't have to go to church to worship. The sad thing was that I could tell that he didn't worship at all.

So my question today is this: Is corporate worship really necessary in the life of a believer?

I think it is important for us to really think about this and answer it. Is there something about being together with other believers that helps us live for Christ? Is there something about worshipping with other believers that kicks us in the rear to do better? Is there something about worshipping with other believers that helps us worship better?

These are questions that alot of folks who don't go to church are asking? Unfortunately many believers huff and say "how could you ask that you stinking sinner?" They have legitimate questions and its ok for them to ask. My God is big enough to handle the questions.

Let me throw in my thoughts. I want to shout from the top of the mountain a resounding YES! Yes there is something about worshipping with other believers that helps me live better, keeps me going when tempted and helps me worship better!

I was reading in Hebrews 10 this morning and was reminded of something. Take a look -
starting in verse 22

22Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. 23Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) 24And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: 25Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. NIV
This is what it says in the Message Translation
Let’s keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word. Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching.

So there seems to be a link in "faith without wavering" that comes with being together with other believers. I know that when I am alone my self talk can become negative and I can justify a lot of crap in my life. But my accountability partners won't put up with that. That's the kick in the rear that I need. So what about worship. Remember worship is to be happening all the time. We get together with other believers and testify about how Great is our God ( I love that song by the way) and worship happens - it just spills over and many are encouraged.

I also love to hear big groups like promise keepers or groups of college kids all singing at the top of their lungs - praising God! Way cool - lots of chill bumps!

Last thought
If I were to want to be a professional bowler - I would have to hang out where?

Yes a bowling alley. I can practice there and I can get good tips from other bowlers there.
If I want to be a professional worshipper of God, then I need to be in places where other worshippers are to get encouragement because what Hebrews says is true - we see the Big day approaching. I want to be good and ready to worship my Lord when He comes to get me.

By golly thats a lot
bless ya today

Monday, November 06, 2006

Reflections after a great day!

Ok, now this is getting out of hand. I mean really - my actually writing and keeping this thing up to date is crazy!

Well I needed to write and put down more thoughts about worship. First of all yesterday was a blast. Thanks to all for the encouragement. This has been a great series for me and Ed has said the same. I appreciate Ed so much. It just wouldn't be as fun without him.
I also appreciated the great discussion last night as we began our series on A life God Rewards. A couple of great questions were asked. One that I have thought about over night and responded to is that God is no respecter of persons. One of our great folks asked about that verse in relation to reward in heaven. I had to look it up and I wanted to share my thoughts here.

First the verse mentioned is in Acts 10:34 Peter is visiting with Cornelius who is a Gentile Centurion. Just prior to this meeting God had given Peter a great vision and now was backing it up with this meeting. The point of the vision and the meeting was that God was no respector of persons when it comes to His gospel of salvation. The good news is for everyone, not just Jews. Personally I really appreciate that! So the phrase "God is no respector of persons" is a comment on evangelism. I think we would be taking it out of context to apply the same phrase entirely to reward in heaven. The idea is that God rewards the works of believers in heaven. -- here me though - not with heaven. Understand? Heaven isn't the reward, because we can't do enough to earn salvation. It is a gift of mercy and love from God the Father paid for with the blood of Jesus. But the reward is for believers and it is something you get in heaven.

Now just because you were a wealthy respected person who is a believer, that doesn't mean that you will receive more reward in heaven. NO. Scripture says that our reward is based on our "works." But what will we do with that reward. Bless Jesus with it! Is this a new principle? NO. Its the same idea for us now. When God blesses us aren't we to give the glory back to God by using what He gives us to bless the name of Jesus?

Ok I'm rambling.

New thought.

Sunday nights when I get home - I'm usually wiped out. But I am also wound up. So usually I don't go so sleep very early. So last night I was thinking as I was trying to go to sleep. I was thanking God for a good day and asking "what next?" God reminded me that I need to be doing personal worship alone with Him and then He would show me. This is a reminder for all of us. Romans 12:2 says that personal worship will allow us to know God's will. SOOOOOOO the point is Corporate worship is wonderful and refreshing but it can't take the place of private personal worship. So worship this whole week and come prepared for Sunday. We'll see what's next.

Love ya'll

Friday, November 03, 2006

Wow - consecutive days! No way! WAY! I am continuing to think about worship and the how of worship as I prepare for Sunday morning. Philippians 2:10 says that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. I don't have my Bible in front of me but I believe that is what it says. Please check and read it to make sure.

The idea is that every knee will bow. How long has it been since you bowed? Been a while for me. You know yesterday I was lamenting the fact that we sing songs about bowing but rarely do. That still bothers me. I know that some will say I can't get down on my knees. That's my thought. I had knee surgery when I was much younger - Not that I'm old now. So when I am on my knees it hurts. But I am amazed when I see pictures of old old people bowing down on their knees in other countries. I have experienced this first hand in Guatemala and India. How is that they can bow and we Americans can not?

I recognize that there are health issues. But honestly I believe that more of our problems and for sure my problems come from a heart problem not a knee problem.

Some will say and have said recently "I am worried about what others will think." Well lets think about that response. Who is the focus of our attention supposed to be on? God the Father -Jesus the Son and Holy Spirit the Comforter. If I focus on what they will think - I don't have to worry about what people in my church think. I'll always be right.

Anyway, keep thinking about this and reading your sword!


Thursday, November 02, 2006

OK ok ok yes I know that it has been at least forever since I did this blogging thing. Sorry. Pray for me to get on the ball with my D.Min. project. Like you, I have about 4000 irons in the fire. That may be a slight exageration - slight being the operative word!

I have been learning a lot about worship these past few weeks. Ed and I have been preparing and praying for our Sunday School class on worship and for worship services after that. One thing that really bothers me is that we sing many songs about kneeling or getting on our knees before God. Yet I rarely see anyone actually do that. Some would say that this is talking about a metaphor or an attitude of the heart. BET ME! I know for a fact that if you aren't willing to get down on your knees before the Lord your heart won't be real low - your heart can't get there by itself!

I think that being authentic is important in our worship. Can we truly be authentic if our words don't match our actions? That is what most folks outside of churches or those who visit on Christmas and Easter call being a hypocrit. OOOHH am I bleeeeeedin?

Think about this along with what I talked about last Sunday in crawling up on the alter in Romans 12. God wants us to be all on the alter. He required that of Abraham - what makes us think He won't require it of us.
